
Our Mission

REshape Minds is dedicated to reducing recidivism by working with incarcerated and previously incarcerated adults through personalized methods that help them successfully integrate into society. This goal would be accomplished through resource coordination, care management, and behavioral health.

The targeted population for REshape is adults who were previously incarcerated at any time in their life. REshape will assist with the following:

  • Resume Building
  • Identification cards
  • Search for employment
  • Search for housing
  • Register as a sex offender
  • Find Counseling
  • Help with applying for state assistance (Medicaid, Food assistance, waivers, etc)

What is recidivism?

Recidivism is a person’s tendency to relapse into a previous condition or behavior. In the field of criminal justice, recidivism means the recurrence of criminal activity leading to a conviction.

How often do individuals recidivate or reoffend?

A Bureau of Justice Statistics study found that, among state prisoners in 30 states, over two-thirds (67.8%) of released prisoners were arrested for a new crime within 3 years, and three-quarters (76.6%) were arrested within 5 years. (BJS, 2014)

What is REshape Minds doing to help?

REshape Minds is dedicated to reducing recidivism by providing previously incarcerated individuals with resource navigation and guidance, and providing currently incarcerated individuals with discharge planning. Our care managers work with their clients to identify their goals and create an individualized service plan. REshape provides wrap-around services to help clients successfully integrate into society, including support in finding housing, employment, mental health or substance abuse support, applying for state/federal assistance, and any other resources the individual may need.

Shana's Story

“At the end of May 2014 my ex-husband was sentenced to 10 years to life in prison when I was 33 years old and my son was 6. I didn’t have a support system to help me navigate the emotions that come along with a loved one being sent to prison for what could be forever. I didn’t know [what] to tell my son

My ex-husband was initially in a facility that did not offer the classes he is required to take to be released. It wasn’t until about 6 months ago, he was finally moved to a facility that does. He is now on the waiting list for this class but has been denied parole 2 times because he hasn’t taken the required class.

I write this today and share my story because I want others out there in these situations to know you are not alone. We have a kinship that some may not speak openly about but it’s there and I’m here if you need someone.”

–  Shana S.

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1600 N Downing St, Unit 220
Denver, CO 80218 USA
(720) 235-8512

Open Hours

Wednesday – Saturday: 8am – 5pm
Weekends: Closed
Holidays: Closed